Day four: Collaborating on ObjectiveManager
Sharing Feedback with Others
As you collaborate with others throughout the year, you can both give and receive feedback using ObjectiveManager. This feedback will be included in the recipient's end of year review forms.
To give feedback, search for the person you are providing feedback for on ObjectiveManager and click Give Feedback. Feedback is stored within the relevant objective. Feedback is always confidential. Only the recipient and their Lead Reviewer can see feedback that you give.
As well as giving feedback to others, you can get feedback from anyone on ObjectiveManager, which will contribute to your end of year review form. The only other people that can see your feedback are the person providing the feedback and your Lead Reviewer. You also have the option to provide general feedback, that is not directly linked to any objective.
Following Others
To make collaboration easier for you, ObjectiveManager gives you the ability to follow other objectives, people or plans.
When you find other people on ObjectiveManager that share common objectives or tasks with you, it is easy to follow either one of their objectives or the person. This will keep you notified of any progress that is made. You can either follow a specific objective or you can choose to follow every objective on a page.
The benefit of following other objectives, people or plans is that you are kept informed and it can lead to opportunities that support your own objectives.
As you have seen previously, the "Getting Started" guide will reflect your current progress with following others and providing feedback. Selecting either 'People' or 'Feedback' from the guide (as shown in the image above) will take you to the search tab. This allows you to find people that will be valuable to follow, or people you can share feedback with.
That concludes your first week with ObjectiveManager. You have now seen the core functions available to you, which will support you as you work to achieving your objectives.
You can contact our support team with any queries or suggestions.
Many Thanks
The ObjectiveManager Team
If you would like to learn more, please watch this video: Searching and collaborating