How do cascaded objectives affect a plan?

When an objective is cascaded from a plan, the original (parent) objective creates a second (cascaded) objective. This means the parent objective will stay on the plan, but the cascaded objective will appear separately on a person’s (or Plan’s) objectives page.

A clear link is established between the parent objective and the cascaded objective. Both objectives exist as standalone objectives, but the cascaded objective is able to inform the parent objective of any progress that has been made. This happens when the recipient of the cascaded objective adds a progress update or completes a task on a cascaded objective.

What if the cascaded objective is subsequently cascaded to another person or plan?

When a shared objective is cascaded, progress updates created on the original objective (parent) or the cascaded objective (child) can be seen in the progress tab for either objective.

It is possible that the original objective will be cascaded to more than one person/plan, or for the recipient of a cascaded objective (child) to then cascade the objective (grandchild) to a further person or plan. This can lead to complicated webs for cascaded objectives.

To avoid this confusion, progress updates appear from both Parent and Child objective, but no other related objective.

Using the image below as an example, the objectives involved in the cascade will see updates from others as follows:

  • The Employment Plan only receives updates from both Partners
  • Partner 1 only receives updates from Employment Plan, Associate 1 and Associate 2
  • Partner 2 only receives updates from Employment Plan, Associate 3 and Associate 4
  • Associate 1 & 2 only receives updates from Partner 1
  • Associate 3 & 4 only receives updates from Partner 2
  • Associate 1 will not receive updates from Associate 2
  • Associate 2 will not receive updates from Associate 1
  • Partner 2 will not receive updates from Partner 1
  • Partner 1 will not receive updates from Partner 2