What are SMART Objectives?

All objectives should be SMART. If they are, you will have a much better chance of achieving your business strategy. 

What does SMART stand for?

  1. Specific | You need to describe WHAT you are going to achieve. Objectives should start with an action verb and identify a single key result. You do not need to say why or how, you just need to focus on the end result (e.g. Win 3 new large Defence clients in the Aerospace Sector…)
  2. Measurable | You must be able to measure progress (at any time) and know when it is achieved. (e.g. Win 3 new large Defence clients in the Aerospace Sector each worth at least £100,000 per annum).
  3. Achievable | This does not mean that it is easy. It means that you must have the capabilities & resources required to achieve it (e.g. Does the firm have any experience in this sector. Do we have any expertise?).
  4. Relevant | Your objectives should help the organisation deliver its vision & strategic objectives (e.g. Does this objective align back to the Firm’s Industry Programme?).
  5. Time bound | There must always be an end-date for an objective. It must never be ‘ongoing’ - state the date it will be achieved by (e.g. 30 April 2017).

If you would like some more examples, contact support.objectivemanager@litera.com for more details.