How do I search for tasks?

To search all Tasks* on the system:

  1. Click the Search Tab
  2. Click on the All Tasks Tab
  3. Type in a keyword into the search box.

This will display all the tasks containing that keyword. It is also easy to search for any Tasks that have been assigned to a specific person, including yourself (for example, you may wish to see all of your tasks including any that have been assigned from Plans). This can be done by using the 'Assigned To' drop down filter.

When searching All Tasks, the order in which tasks are displayed will be:

  1. Overdue tasks, sorted in date order
  2. Incomplete tasks, sorted in date order
  3. Completed tasks, sorted in date order

Tip: Searching Tasks enables you to search at a more detailed and granular level and identify colleagues or teams to connect with. You may also find that it helps avoid duplication of effort or work if someone else in the organisation has already completed a particular task.

*Your firm may have a different name for Tasks - e.g. Key Tasks | Action | Key Results | Areas of focus. This does not really matter; what we are focused on is the information which sits behind the objective, what are you going to do in order to achieve the objective.