Searching for collaboration opportunities

Objective Manager is a powerful business tool designed to help you find opportunities to collaborate with your colleagues.

There are a number of ways you can find useful information:

  1. The Homepage – looking at Task and Progress Updates that colleagues have posted against their objectives. A useful and quick way of finding out what’s going around the business.
  2. Search Tab – Search for All Objectives or All Tasks/Actions. Here you can find other people with objectives similar or related to your own. You can also see specific Tasks and actions that other people are planning to take.
  3. Search Bar – A really quick way of scanning the entire site for useful information - people, objectives, progress updates and tasks.

This can be particularly powerful if you search for:

  • Key clients or targets
  • Sector or Industry terms
  • Locations  - Countries/Offices
  • Strategic initiatives and opportunities (e.g. Pricing or Brexit)

Once you’ve found something of interest you can learn more by clicking on their objectives to see what else they’re doing. You can then click on  Link to or Follow to keep in touch when they make further updates.