Viewing previous iterations of a Refreshed Objective

When you Refresh Objectives during the review process, the software creates a complete replica of the objective you wish to refresh. This includes any Tasks or Progress Updates that exist on the Objective. The saves a lot of time and effort for users who want to carry this information into the next review period.

If you no longer require any of the Progress Updates or Tasks, it is simple to find the unwanted entries and delete them, once the Review process is complete and the review form is archived. This will only affect the live objective. Progress or completed Tasks that existed on the objective (prior to the review taking place), can still be viewed through the archived review form - by finding the correct objective on the archived form and viewing the Progress tab.

Here is an example:

This user has three Tasks on their Objective before they start the Performance Review form:

This user has two tasks (one complete, one incomplete) on their Objective before starting their Review form.

When the user starts their review form, a snapshot of all objectives is created. Any completed Tasks will appear on the review form (under the Progress tab for the corresponding Objective). 

Completed Tasks will appear under the Progress tab, for the overarching Objective.

In this example, the user's review form includes a section for Next Year's Objectives. This means the user will review this year's objectives and Refresh/Archive current objectives to prepare for the next review period. 

Refresh or Archive objective for next year.

The software ensures that existing Tasks/Progress Updates will appear on the Refreshed Objective. This approach saves a lot of time for any users who want to carry those entries into the next year. It also allows people who do not want the information to simply delete the entries once the review process is complete (we recommend doing this after the review is complete, so the user can focus on the review meeting, rather than completing non-complex admin on next year's objectives).


With the review now complete and the review form archived, simply return to the objective on the review form and delete/edit any Progress Updates or Task entries that require your attention.

Once the review is complete, check the Tasks and Progress Updates on a Refreshed Objective and remove any obsolete entries .

This does not affect the record of Last Year's Objectives on the Review Form. You can go to your Performance Review archive and find the previous years review form.

Go to the Performance Review archive - accessed through the account dropdown menu .

From here, select the form, find the Objective section and select the relevant objective. You can see a record of Progress Updates or Completed Tasks under the Progress Tab.