How can team members interact with a plan?

A Plan Team Member can do the following on a Plan:

  • Add Tasks to a Plan Objective
  • Edit Tasks on a Plan Objective
  • Assign Tasks on a Plan Objective to any people in the Team
  • Mark Tasks on a Plan Objective as Complete
  • Add Progress to a Plan Objective
  • Print Plan Objectives
  • View the Plan Team
  • View the Plan Background Information
  • View Documents attached to a Plan
  • Get Feedback from others on a Plan Objective
  • Give Feedback on a Plan Objective
  • Request an Update from the Plan Owner for a Plan Objective

A Plan Team Member cannot:

  • Add Objective to a Plan
  • Edit Objectives on a Plan
  • Cascade Plan Objectives to other people
  • Add Background Information on the Plan
  • Add Documents to a Plan
  • View the Plan Settings
  • Edit the Plan Settings
  • Edit the Plan Vision
  • Add or Remove Plan Co-Owners
  • Add or Remove Plan Team Members