What is the difference between a Lead Reviewer and a Secondary Reviewer
Some users on ObjectiveManager will have additional Reviewer responsibilities. As well as managing your own objectives and performance, a Reviewer will support other ObjectiveManager users throughout the year.
There are two categories of reviewer:
- Lead Reviewer
- Secondary Reviewer
Everyone has a single Lead Reviewer. In addition, some users may have a Secondary Reviewer. Below are some of the key differences between a Lead Reviewer and a Secondary Reviewer:
Lead Reviewer
A Lead Reviewer is ultimately responsible for all reviewer actions. Whether it's approving objectives, signing off review forms or managing a reviewee through ObjectiveManager, the Lead Reviewer role is to be the primary lead for any reviewee. The key actions for a Lead Reviewer include:
- Approve or decline objectives that have been submitted to you for approval by your Reviewee
- Request progress updates from a Reviewee, regarding their objectives
- Provide feedback to a Reviewee for their objectives, competencies, development needs
- Add new development needs for a Reviewee
- Request feedback from other ObjectiveManager users, on behalf of your Reviewee
- View any feedback that has been given to your Reviewee, including feedback is only visible to you - Only the Reviewee, their Reviewers and the feedback provider can view any one item of feedback
- View any Progress Updates that have been posted by the Reviewee, including Progress Updates marked as 'Private'. This applies to Objectives, Competencies and Development Needs (Development Needs are always private)
In addition, the Lead Reviewer has specific responsibilities during the review process. The actions below are key actions that the firm requires form Lead Reviewers to support a smooth and effective review process:
- Respond to Reviewee feedback requests before the review process begins
- Provide your Reviewer comments on the Reviewee's review form
- Approve or decline objectives that are submitted by the Reviewee
- Advancing review forms, where Reviewer input is required
- Providing post-review comments
- Archiving the review form
Secondary Reviewer
While the Lead Reviewer has ultimate responsibility for most actions, a Secondary Reviewer can often provide valuable support and guidance for a Reviewee.
- Request progress updates from a Reviewee, regarding their objectives
- Provide feedback to a Reviewee for their objectives, competencies, development needs
- Add new development needs for a Reviewee
- View any feedback that has been given to your Reviewee, unless the feedback provider set the feedback visibility to "Lead Reviewer only"
- View any Progress Updates that have been posted by the Reviewee, including Progress Updates marked as 'Private'. This applies to Objectives, Competencies and Development Needs (Development Needs are always private)
During the review process, the Secondary Reviewer may have responsibilities to support a Lead Reviewer and the Reviewee. This will often be through the provision of overall assessment comments, providing key information for a Lead Reviewer:
- Respond to Reviewee feedback requests before the review process begins
- Provide your Secondary Reviewer comments on the Reviewee's review form