Controlling your email notifications

You can control the types of email you receive from ObjectiveManager from Your Account menu. This is designed to give you the right level of notification to suit your needs. Unchecking any of the boxes described below means you will not receive those emails:

Objective Approval Requests

If you assign or cascade an objective to another person, you are notified when the recipient either accepts or declines the objective.

Objective Assigned or Cascaded

If you have been assigned an objective, unassigned an objective, or an objective has been cascaded from a plan, you will be informed by email. For objectives that are cascaded from another person, you will be asked to accept/ decline the objective. Lead Reviewers will also receive these emails when a reviewee is cascaded/ assigned an objective. In addition, if another person links to one of your objectives, you will receive an email notification.

Objective Updated

When one of your Reviewees, or a person/ plan that you follow amends an objective you will receive an email showing the specific objective that has been updated. An amendment may also include deleting or archiving an objective.

Objective Auto-approve

Lead Reviewers will be notified if an objective that was awaiting approval has been auto-approved, because a specified number of days have passed since the objective was sent for approval. (Note - Auto-approve is a firm-wide setting and will only apply if the firm has enable auto-approve fro objectives).

Feedback Requests

The most common notification in this category is when a colleague on ObjectiveManager requests feedback. You receive an email that will take you directly to the specific feedback request in each instance. Feedback Requests also cover:

  • Your feedback request to another person has been deleted
  • Your request for feedback has been declined
  • Feedback previously received has been edited/ deleted by the provider.

Performance Reviews

Throughout the review period you will receive various emails, keeping you informed on the status of your review. These may include (subject to firm specific settings):

  • Invitation to start your review form
  • Invitation to start a Reviewee’s form
  • Notification that a Reviewee has completed their form
  • Notification that your Reviewer has completed your review form
  • Notification that a review form is ready for you to archive
  • A reviewee has indicated an issue with their review form

Progress Updates

When one of your Reviewees, or a person/ plan that you follow posts a progress update to an objective you will receive an email that shows the specific objective that has been updated. Progress Update emails are also sent whenever someone has completed a task, or requested a progress update on one of your objectives. The email also includes a link to the specific objective on ObjectiveManager.

Liked Progress Updates

For any progress updates you have posted, you will be notified if another user 'Likes' one of your progress updates.

Task Due Soon

When you have a task that is due for completion, you will receive email reminders before the due date. 

Survey Requests

When an individual invites you to submit survey feedback (for example, 360° feedback), you receive an email that invites you to begin the survey on ObjectiveManager

Objectives Expiring Soon

When you have an objective that is is due within the next 30 days, you will receive email reminders before the due date. 

Objective Tag Used

Objective tag owners can receive notifications when any objectives on ObjectiveManager use their tag.

Credits Allocation

If the firm uses Credits Allocation, you will be notified when it is appropriate to allocate credits to other ObjectiveManager users in the firm. 

Proxy Access

If you are a designated Proxy Access user, you can choose to receive notifications when you are granted proxy access, or proxy access is removed.   

Plan Alerts

These emails are sent any time that you have been added/ removed from a plan team. You will also be notified if anyone is added/ removed from a plan you are a member of.

Weekly Digest

This will include a weekly summary of outstanding actions on ObjectiveManager. These emails are sent every Friday and include: 

  • Number of draft objectives to send for approval
  • Number of feedback requests
  • Number of tasks due in the next 7 days
  • User has a Review form to complete
  • Annual review form is ready for completion
  • Please sign off your Review Form
  • Reviewee has completed their assessment
  • Number of Objectives to approve
  • Number of Reviewee forms to complete

The weekly digest email isn’t influenced by the other email notification categories. For example - if you disable ‘Feedback Request’ emails but enable ‘Weekly Digest’, the weekly digest email will include a line for any outstanding feedback requests on ObjectiveManager.

Important note - Remember to click the Update button whenever you make a change to your account, which will apply the changes for you.

Mandatory Email Notifications

Some emails cannot be controlled by your individual preferences and are automatically sent if email notifications are enabled for the firm. These include:

  • Password reset - When an ObjectiveManager requests a password reset, a link is sent via email. This is not applicable for firms using single sign on authentication (no separate password for ObjectiveManager)
  • Your objective has been declined - if your Lead Reviewer declines to approve an objective. You will find the Lead Reviewers comments in the relevant objectives' feedback tab
  • Someone has declined to give feedback - When you request feedback from other ObjectiveManager users, they can decline to provide feedback. If they do, the reason for declining will be displayed in the email notification
  • Password reset blocked due to company settings - If the firm uses single sign on authentication, any attempt to request a new password will generate this notification
  • Auto-archive objective - If an objective is 180 days past the completion due date, you will be notified that your objective has been moved to your objective archive (only applicable if the firm uses the auto-archive feature)