Review process overview for Reviewers

Here is an overview of the review process on ObjectiveManager for a Reviewer.

  1. The Review Process is started
  2. The Reviewee receives an e-mail link to open the Review Form
  3. The Reviewee adds their Self-Assessment and notifies you (Lead Reviewer)
  4. You give your feedback
  5. You (Lead Reviewer) release the feedback to your Reviewee
  6. The Performance Review Meeting takes place
  7. You add any Post Review Feedback
  8. The Review Form is closed and Archived you (Lead Reviewer)
  9. The Reviewee sign-off the Review FormThe Process is complete

If there is more than one reviewer in the process, the Lead Reviewer is responsible for advancing the form as above. Any secondary reviewers can add feedback at each reviewer stage of this process 

When you access the Performance Review page in ObjectiveManager, you can see your role in the review process for each Reviewee.

All of your Reviewee forms are shown in the following order:

  1. Active review forms for which you are the Lead Reviewer
  2. Active review forms for which you are a Secondary Reviewer
  3. Archived review forms from previous review periods for which you were the Lead Reviewer
  4. Archived review forms from previous review periods for which you were a Secondary Reviewer

Selecting any of the portraits on this page will take you to the corresponding review form for the selected Reviewee.