Adding Development Needs to my review

You can add a specific Development Need to your review form that will be a focus for the next review period. To do this:

  1. Click on the Development Needs section
  2. Click Add to create a new development need
  3. Describe the Development Need
  4. Select the Type, Approach and Priority
  5. Select a Target Date for completion of the Development Need
  6. Click Save

If Development Needs are added, they will be pulled through to your profile for the next period when the review process is complete (please note, these will be confidential to you and your Lead Reviewer).

Any Development Needs that are live on your account when they generate the appraisal form will also be pulled into the form, to be included in any review discussion.

Any Development Needs that are added to the review form can be edited by both the Reviewee and Reviewer as they complete the form. Development Needs that are added on the main ObjectiveManager page cannot be edited on the review form.